DQ after a 4 hour nap Monday afternoon.
As we sat in the waiting room on Monday there was another mom with her baby - I assume the baby was 6 months or so. She was making some small talk with us stating how kids are wonderful, but they really tear at your heart when things go bad. She said her baby had spent several days in the hospital last month and she was worried they were going back again. I didn't ask her any details, mostly because I was focused on my own child and getting her calmed down. Thinking back about that mom now, really puts things into perspective. This event, even as traumatic it has been on both DQ and me, is small stuff. It makes me very aware about how thankful I need to be that my kids are healthy.
I am thankful that the most traumatic thing either my kids have had to go through is are cuts and bruises. Although it totally breaks my heart to see them hurt, at least I have never had to see my kids hooked up to monitors, tubes or in a hospital bed.
I am thankful that I can count on one hand the number of times my kids have seen a doctor outside of their normal checkups. I can probably use the other hand to count the number of days I have had to take off work because one of them have been sick.
I am thankful I have never had a bottle of children's Tylenol get emptied before the expiration date.
I am thankful my kids are strong, both in strength and will. Seeing DQ this past week, I am pretty sure no one is going to be able to push her around.
Deep thoughts from Your Royal Highness...